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Bra mat för hjärnan

(Good food for your brain)

A5 format, 32 pages
This brochure in Swedish show what effects our diet may have on our general health and on the function of our brain. It is written by three dietitians with academic and clinical experence of geriatric nutrition and healthy aging.

Go to Swedish site to order printed copiesOpen as a pdf file

Goda råd vid ofrivillig viktminskning

(Preventing and treating undesired weight loss)

A5 format, 20 pages
This brochure provides advice on how unwanted weight loss can be prevented, particularly among elderly and persons with cognitive impairment. It also gives recommendations on food which is beneficial for the brain as well as the entire body. The authors are dietitians, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists.

Go to Swedish site to order printed copiesOpen as a pdf file


FINGER poster, English

50 x 70 cm
The poster shows the five main lifestyle factors of the FINGER model: healthy diet, physical activity, cognitive training, social activities, and cardiovascular factors.

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FINGER poster, Swedish

50 x 70 cm
The poster shows the five main lifestyle factors of the FINGER model: healthy diet, physical activity, cognitive training, social activities, and cardiovascular factors.

Go to Swedish site to order

FINGER poster, Finnish

50×70 cm
The poster shows the five main lifestyle factors of the FINGER model: healthy diet, physical activity, cognitive training, social activities, and cardiovascular factors.

Contact us

Food pyramid poster, English

50 x 70 cm
This poster shows food that’s healthy for your heart and your brain. The food pyramid stands on a foundation of physical movement, social activities, and recovery.

Contact us

Food pyramid poster, Swedish

50 x 70 cm
This poster shows food that’s healthy for your heart and your brain. The food pyramid stands on a foundation of physical movement, social activities, and recovery.

Go to Swedish site to order