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FINGER studies

around the world

The World-Wide FINGERS network unites research teams whose scientific work build on the original FINGER study. Here are a few examples of completed and ongoing FINGER trials around the world.
Check out this page regularly! More ongoing projects are being added.


FINGER-NL (The Netherlands)

The FINGER-NL study investigates the effect of multidomain lifestyle interventions on the cognitive abilities of…

J-MINT (Japan)

J-MINT, the Japan-Multimodal Intervention Trial for Prevention of Dementia, is the first large-scale randomized controlled…

My-AGELESS (Malaysia)

The Multi-domain Intervention for Reversal of Cognitive Frailty: Towards Personalized Approaches (My-AGELESS Trial) is a…

PENSA (Spain)

PENSA is a randomized placebo-controlled trial which combines a multimodal lifestyle intervention with the taking…

SINGER (Singapore)

The SINgapore GERiatric Intervention Study to Reduce Cognitive Decline and Physical Frailty (SINGER) is a…

SARS-CoV-2 survey (Global)

SARS-CoV-2 survey (Global) The WW-FINGERS COVID-19 survey was launched in June 2021 to study the…