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Professor Miia Kivipelto publishes her first book on brain health

By 3 februari 2022juli 16th, 2024Implementering1 min read

Professor Miia Kivipelto, scientific founder of FBHI, and Professor Mai-Lis Hellénius have published a new book, ‘Hjärnhälsa – på dina fem fingrar’ (‘Brain health – at your fingertips’), on how to maintain cognition and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in older ages.

The new book, currently only available in Swedish, is based on Professor Kivipelto’s ground-breaking work on the FINGER study (Finnish Geriatric Intervention Study to Prevent Cognitive Impairment and Disability), details of which can be found here. It describes how the ‘5 fingers’ of exercise, healthy eating, cognitive training, social activity, and vascular & metabolic monitoring can be used to promote healthy brain aging in later life.

Available for purchase now, the book provides evidence-based advice on healthy brain aging, as well as practical guidance and inspiration for a healthy lifestyle, including a number of nutritious recipes to support heart and brain health.