The SINgapore GERiatric intervention study to reduce cognitive decline and physical frailty (SINGER) is a randomized controlled trial investigating the efficacy of locally-adapted FINGER interventions in 1,200 participants in Singapore, aged 60-80, at risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.
The study will examine whether a random assignment to a Self-Guided Intervention (SGI) versus Structured Lifestyle Intervention (SLI) focused on regular aerobic exercise, adherence to the FINGER diet, cognitive and social stimulation, and protocol-based vascular monitoring improves cognitive and physical performance.
Participants will be followed up for 2 years. The study started in August 2021, and is projected to complete recruitment by the end of 2023.
The primary outcome of the trial is global cognition. Secondary outcome measures include domain-specific cognition such as episodic memory, executive function, and processing speed and function, as well as imaging evidence of brain and retinal changes, incidence and progression of chronic diseases, blood biomarkers, quality of life, mental health, and cost-benefit analysis.
By establishing the efficacy of multidomain interventions in preventing cognitive decline, the SINGER project aims to implement the findings into national public health and clinical practices by informing policy makers and guiding the design of community and individual level health promotion initiatives.
SINGER is led by the National University of Singapore, with a partner recruitment site in the Nanyang Technological University, and is an interdisciplinary research team collaboration with other institutions in Singapore.